Philippine Standard Time:

2017 archive letters

Date ReleasedIssuance Title
October 25, 201718th National Convention and Seminar-Workshop “K-12:  Unleasing the Potentials of NOPTI
October 25, 2017School Coordinator Meeting Regarding Community-Based Immunization
October 24, 2017National Level Science and Mathematics Power Quiz and Research Congress 2017
October 24, 2017Conduct of Close Monitoring and Documentation of Activities Regarding the School’s Existing MHM Program
October 24, 2017Regional CALM Network
October 13, 2017Granted Service Credit for Teachers and CTO for Non-Teaching for Attending the Division Training of Trainers on ICT Integration in Teaching Batch 2
October 11, 20174-Day Enhancement Module dubbed as English Language Proficiency for Classroom Teachers and School Heads
October 11, 2017International Leadership Summit
October 11, 2017HYPERGRAPHIA
October 6, 2017State of the Art Science Road Show Program
October 5, 2017DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship Review Class
October 4, 2017World Standards Day and the National Standards Week with 7th Standards Essay Writing Contest and the 1st Standards Poster Making Contest
October 3, 2017Conduct of Global Youth Tobacco Survey to Students Ages 8-18 Old
October 3, 2017Pangkabuhayan Raffle for a Cause 2017
October 3, 2017Cancellation of Mr. & Ms. Red Cross 2017
September 27, 2017Zero Waste Youth Camp 2017
September 27, 2017Orientation on RA 8353 Anti-Rape Law and Symposium on Teenage Pregnancy
September 27, 2017Conduct of The E-Waste Project (TEP)
September 27, 2017SquEEze National Intercollegiate EEE Quiz
September 27, 201745th Atomic Energy Week
September 27, 2017Salinlahi Evolution:  An App Development Competition
September 27, 2017High School Clash 2017
September 26, 2017Extension in the Deadline of Submission of Entries for the Dulaang Pangmimili and the Revised Mechanics of the Contest Reflecting the New Schedule
September 26, 2017List of Semi-Finalist per Cluster in the Choir Rondalla Categories for he 2017 NAMCYA Competitions
September 9, 201740th Asia Pacific Dental Congress and 109th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions
September 18, 2017Career Guidance Advocacy Program (CGAP) Orientation-Workshop
September 15, 2017Inter-High School IT Quiz and Design Competition
September 15, 2017DepEd Venture 2017
September 15, 2017November and December Seminar Workshop
September 14, 2017INFORMATICS Project for Navotas High Schools
September 14, 2017Laki sa Tibay Nutrition Education Program
September 13, 2017On the Spot Essay Writing Contest and Translation Contests
September 13, 2017SY 2017-2018 Regional Population Quiz and On-The-Spot Skills Exhibition
September 13, 2017Ako ay Pilipino Contest
September 13, 2017Request to Introduce their Medical Services
September 13, 2017SAKANTULA:  Ang Singsing ng Kapalaran
September 13, 2017Invitation to Participate on the Conduct of the 2017 Early Childhood Care and Development Congress
September 11, 2017First OSSTP Student Competition on Social Studies
September 11, 2017SY 2017-2018 Regional Population Quiz and On-The-Spot Skills Exhibition
September 11, 2017Various Training Event offered by the STEM HUB
September 8, 2017International Deaf Day with the Full Inclusive with Sign Language
September 8, 201769th National Conference and Training 
September 8, 2017Invitation for High School Students from Public and Private Schools to Participate in the Role Playing  Competition entitled “Dulaang Pangmamimili”
September 7, 2017Liyab 17-15th NCR-Wide Journalism Training Seminar
September 7, 2017Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing
September 7, 2017Understanding the Landscape of High Performing Education Systems:  Antecedence, Salience, and Congruence
September 7, 201738th Manila International Book Fair
September 6, 2017Visit of the Image of Our Lady of Fatima
September 6, 2017Request for Financial Assistance 
September 4, 20173rd PAGBA Quarterly Seminar and Meeting 
August 30, 2017Follow through Activity re:  Key Concepts on Health, Hygiene and Nutrition
August 24, 2017Basic Training for Teachers and Troop Leaders and Badgework and Basic Skills in the Out-of-Doors for Junior, Senior and Cadets
August 23, 20173-Day National Seminar-Workshop on Career Guidance for Educators:  Preparing the Filipino Youth for Tomorrow’s Career
August 22, 2017Scholarships in Teacher Education Program to Upgrade Teacher Quality in the Philippines (STEP UP)
August 17, 2017Request Permission to Conduct Online Survey to all Public School Teachers in the SDO-Navotas
August 15, 2017Quipper Launched School Rewards Program
August 15, 2017Conduct of University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) Roadshow
August 8, 2017Conduct of Teachers and Principals Orientation and Demonstration Teaching 
August 8, 2017Conduct a Workshop on Animation Development for Grade 10 and 12 Students
August 8, 2017Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Challenges of K-12 Program for Teachers
August 8, 2017Schedule of the Youth and Kids Ministry Values Formation Program
August 2, 2017Tanghalan at Obra Stage Plays
August 2, 2017Regional Values Formation Seminar
July 31, 2017Kartilya ng Katipunan:  Samasamang Bigkasan Mula sa Loob ng Taongbayan and Kaisahan sa Kamalayan sa Kasaysayan
July 20, 2017Pambansang Seminar sa Pagbuo ng Diskurso sa Konseptong Filipino
July 20, 201738th Graderson (38th Annual National Graders Convention for Junior Members and Teachers-Advisers
July 20, 2017Instituting Measures to Increase Engage Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith
July 13, 2017Conduct of Soy Healthy, Soy Happy Comprehensive School Program Miracle Soybean Food and Good Filipino Values Comprehensive School Program of Refreshment Republic Teachers Orientation and Demonstration
July 11, 2017Celebration of the 2017 National Disability Prevention and Rehabillitation (NDPR) Week
July 11, 2017Pre-Conference on the Hearing-Impaired and Sign Language Interpretation
July 11, 2017International Seminar-Workshop in Special Education
July 10, 2017Granted Compensatory Time-Off (CTO) for Attending the Grade 6 Mass Training of Teachers for K to 12 Basic Education Program held on April 16-22, 2017, at Brentwood Apartelle, Baguio City on April 16 and 22, 2017
July 7, 2017Forum entitled “Managing Students with Additional Needs in Classroom Setting:  Why Observed Behavioral Indicators Matters”
July 6, 2017Campaign for Character Education Tenacity (CACHET)
July 5, 2017Conduct of the National Competitive Examination Caravan
July 4, 2017Seminar-Workshop on Enhancing Competencies of Teachers in Senior High School on Physical Education Health
July 4, 2017Invitation to Attend the Regional Values Formation for Teachers and Students from Private and Public High Schools
June 30, 2017Learning Experience Acquired through Reading Newspaper (LEARN)
June 30, 2017University of Asia and the Pacific
June 29, 2017Mary’s Mission Tour Pilgrimage
June 29, 2017Annual Schedule of Activities of May Help of Christians Crusade
June 29, 2017Unleashing My Genius:  Helping Children Overcome Performance Barriers from Breakthrough Coaching and Consulting, Inc.
June 29, 2017“SIGABO” Annual Speech Choir Competition of the Childrens’ Museum and Library, Inc.
June 23, 2017Teaching Led Research:  Research Led Teaching
June 23, 20172nd Navoteño Film Festival
May 30, 2017LR Unit Meeting and Updates
May 29, 2017Conduct of Campus Ministry Apostolate to Public School Students and Teachers
May 22, 2017Renewal of Approval to Conduct their Programs the Elementary and High School Values Education Class (ESHVEC) and Elementary and High School Evangelistic Campaign (ESHEC)
May 19, 2017Integrated Information Sytems Project
May 18, 2017How to Use the Online Learning Sytem
May 12, 2017Winners in the 2016 Brigada Eskwela
May 2, 2017The Conduct of Philippine Regional Language Center Scholars Foundation, Inc. (PhRELCSFI) Training
March 27, 2017Seminar-Workshop on Curriculum Updates and Pedagogy for K-12 TLE and SHS-TVL Teachers and Coordinators
March 27, 201748th Foundation Anniversary and 1st Grand Alumni Homecoming
March 21, 2017Continuing Professional Development
March 21, 2017Reading is for All, Part II
March 21, 2017ARCZONE Professional Development
March 20, 2017In Pursuit of Quality Education, the Past, Present, and Future