Notice of Award/Proceed – Lease of Venue for Seminar Workshop on the Implementation of School Building Program
Notice of Award/Proceed – Supply and Installation of SDO Navotas Network Server, IP CCTV, Fire Detection and Alarm System and Biometric System
Notice of Award / Proceed for the Procurement of DRRM Equipment for Preparedness and Response Interventions – PA System for SDO Navotas
Opening of Quotation for the Procurement of Printing Service: Publication of Compendium of Project Tutor-A-Learning Child (TLC) Success Stories, School-Based Reading Program Handbook and Compendium of Contextualized Literacy Tools, Pansangay na Pagsasanay sa Pagbuo ng Booklet sa Programang Basa Navoteño and National Learning Camplearning Materials for Grades 2-3 Learners and Teachers and for Grades 1-12
Request for Price Quotation for the Procurement of Printing Service: Publication of Compendium of Project Tutor-A-Learning Child (TLC) Success Stories, School-Based Reading Program Handbook and Compendium of Contextualized Literacy Tools, Pansangay na Pagsasanay sa Pagbuo ng Booklet sa Programang Basa Navoteño and National Learning Camplearning Materials for Grades 2-3 Learners and Teachers and for Grades 1-12
Opening of Quotation for the Procurement of Food for SDO Navotas Gawad Parangal 2023 for the Retired Teaching and Teaching-Related Personnel, Learning Development (L&D) Semestral Evaluations
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Food for SDO Navotas Gawad Parangal 2023 for the Retired Teaching and Teaching-Related Personnel, Learning Development (L&D) Semestral Evaluation