Notice of Award/ Proceed – Procurement of Printing Services: Publication of Compendium of Project Tutor-A-Learning Child (TLC) Success Stories, School-Based Reading Program Handbook, and Compendium of Contextualized Literacy Tools, and Pansangay na Pagsasanay sa Pagbuo ng Booklet sa Programang Basa NavoteƱo
Notice of Award/ Proceed – Procurement of Printing Services: National Learning Camp – Learning Materials for Grades 2-3 Learners and Teachers and for Grades 1-12
Opening of Quotation for the Procurement of SDO Navotas T-Shirt to be Used for the Navotas day 2024 Grand Parade
Request for Price Quotation for the Procurement of SDO Navotas Polo Shirt with Collar to be Used for the Navotas Day 2024 Grand Parade
Notice of Award/Proceed for the Procurement of Nutritious Food Product (NFP) for School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) SY 2023-2024 (Repeat Order)
Opening of Quotation for the Procurement of Food for Two (2) Day Training on the Updates of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR) of Republic Act no. 9184
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Food for Two (2) Day Training on the Updates of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR) of Republic Act No. 9184
Opening of Quotation for the Procurement of Glass Plaque for SDO Navotas PRAISE 2023 cum Year End Performance Evaluation 4th Quarter
Opening of Quotation for the Procurement of Printing Services: National Learning Camp Learning Materials for Grades 2-3 Learners and Teachers and for Grades 1-12e