By: Eleanor R. Cansino

Schools Division Office of Navotas is proud to have hosted the Civil Service Commission (CSC) CAMANAVA Field Office 1st Quarter Cluster Meeting at the Division Office Conference Hall, on March 11, 2020. The participants were HR practitioners of DepEd & LGU CAMANAVA, and Philippine National Railways (PNR). The meeting intended to cascade the participants with updates on PRIME-HRM (recognition of one (1) or more HR systems), Inventory of Government HR Systems (IGHRIS), recent CSC Policy Issuances, some reminders for HRMOs on the preparation of appointments, and other issues and concerns.

Dr. Alejandro G. Ibanez, Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent formally welcomed the participants with his message “You are HR Champions!”. The said message gave sense of appreciation for HR practitioners in the field. (Truly, appreciation fuels passion)

Mr. Noel V. Salumbides, Director II discussed the different policies, CSC-MC No. 2, s. 2020 Employment for Valor Awardees, giving priority for employment in the government service to medal of valor awardees and their dependents. Provided, that he/ she meets the minimum qualifications or requirements of the position, and the provisions of Civil Service law, rules and regulations on appointment are complied with.

CSC-MC No. 4, s. 2020 Mental Health Program, the Civil Service Commission is mandated to develop guidelines and standards on appropriate and evidenced-based mental health programs for the workplace, and to develop policies that promote mental health in the workplace and address stigma and discrimination suffered by people with mental health conditions.

CSC-MC No. 5, s. 2020 Interim Guidelines on the Use of Leave Credits for Absences Due to Self-Quarantine and/or Treatment Relative to the Corona Virus Disease-2O19 (COVID-I9), provides the guidelines for the availment of leave for public sector employees as well as ensure that precautionary measures are employed in government offices to avoid the spread of the virus in the workplace. 

And, CSC-OM No. 49, s. 2019 Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP), the importance of the equal opportunity principle in public sector human resource management and ensure that it becomes embedded in the four core HR systems under the PRIME-HRM in government offices/agencies.

It was followed by Mr. Leynart E. Velasco on policy updates of the following: appointments, qualification standards, and government working hours.

The lifting of the ten (10) year prescriptive period to claim Terminal Leave benefits (TLB) was also emphasized.

The next scheduled cluster meeting will be on June 26, 2020 at Division Office of Valenzuela City.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm.

The objective of this cluster meeting was to equip all Human Resource (HR) practitioners on latest Civil Service Commission (CSC) policies and issuances.